Geppetto Simulation Engine

In order to allow the world to play with the model easily, we are engineering Geppetto, an open-source modular platform to enable multi-scale and multi-algorithm interactive simulation of biological systems. Geppetto features a built-in WebGL visualizer that offers out-of-the-box visualization of simulated models right in the browser. You can read about architectural concepts and learn more about the different plug-in bundles we are working on.

Geppetto, is written in Java and leverages technologies like OSGi, Spring Framework, OpenCL and Maven.

Geppetto's frontend is written using THREE.js and WebGL. Back-end / front-end communication happens via JSON messages through WebSocket.

The engine runs on on Eclipse Virgo WebServer deployed on an Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud Linux instance.

The definitive documentation for Geppetto is available online.